
Information and Resources

Attention: Arizona Mental and Behavioral Health Community

As a free service, Copa Health provides information and resources to anyone in, or connected to, the mental health community. Anyone!  Including those living with a mental illness, their family members, friends and professionals.

Our Referral Coordinator can help navigate through the often confusing world of the Arizona mental health system, locating the professionals and organizations best able to assist you. He can also connect you to other needed resources and supports.  No matter what your need is, he is committed to solve the problem or point you in the right direction!

Call our Information & Resources Coordinator
Andy Arnowitz

Mon-Fri | 8:00 am – 4:30 pm | Follow up calls available


    • Mental Health Support Groups
    • Petitioning
      (Involuntary Commitment)
    • Serious Mental Illness (SMI)
    • Social Security (SSD & SSI)
    • Mental Health Lawyers
    • Prescription Assistance
    • Mercy Care
    • Psychiatric Hospitals
    • Food Boxes
    • Crisis Lines
    • Mental Health Power of Attorney
    • AHCCCS (Medicaid)
    • Therapists

Advocacy Guidelines for Working With a SMI Clinic, or Others
(How to Achieve the Desired Result)
Click here to see the SMI Advocacy Guidelines (2nd edition).

    • “Andy is a remarkable resource for our local and national behavioral health community. He provides invaluable guidance and referrals to those families in need, and has been a shining light in our community.”
      Chick Arnold (Acclaimed mental health advocate & the named Plaintiff from the groundbreaking lawsuit that got the benefits for those deemed Seriously Mentally Ill in Arizona, “Arnold vs. Sarn”.)


    • “Andy is the consummate advocate. He is intelligent, informed, compassionate and relentless.” 
      Dr. Michael Franczak (Inducted into Mental Health America of Arizona’s Hall of Fame and Copa Health Director of Population Health.)


    • “Andy has been my GO-TO Guy since 2005. He has been an incredible resource to NAMI Arizona. I truly respect Andy for his dedication and determination to serve.” 
      NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Arizona Executive Director/CEO, Jim Dunn


    • “Andy has the patience, knowledge and compassion to help anyone looking for resources. Thank you Andy, you are an invaluable asset to our community.” 
      Former Mental Health America of Arizona Executive Director, Kristina Sabetta