Finding respite care and activity support just got easier.
Copa Connect, in support of the City of Mesa as the first Autism Friendly City, offers specially designed autism respite supports to allow families travel time, outings with or without their child, and the ability to participate in activities that support self-care without guilt, fear or anxiety.
“Because Copa Health believes in helping families and children with unique needs strengthens relationships and provides successful outcomes, we have partnered with Visit Mesa in offering services for families of children with autism spectrum disorders. Copa Health strives to deliver support and resources to people throughout the community and to our visitors.” — Dr. Shar Najafi-Piper, Copa Health CEO
Copa Connect Travel Autsim Respite Services
Reliable trained respite caregivers
One-on-one or group settings
Activity support
Therapeutically designed centers and planned activities
Practice social skills, physical aptitude and increase motivation
Therapeutic Recreation Specialists (TRS) are background checked/fingerprinted
IBCCES certified
Arts & crafts, animals, sports, games, dance and movement
Outings with or without your child
Service animals welcome
Recreational activities
Individualized Visit Plans
For more information or to schedule your Individualized Visit Plan, 480-969-3800, Ext. 202, Ask for Jessica.
Click on your Program Name and a monthly calendar will appear.
Find and click on the group, class or event that you are interested in.
When you see a pop-up of that class, click on the Zoom link to register.